Savannah College of Art and Design
Dossier on Film Sound
Introduction by Jacob Smith, “Listening to Film Sound”
Jay Beck, “Submerged in Sound: Lucrecia Martel’s
La Ciénega
Michel Chion, “
The Player
(Robert Altman, 1992)”
Caryl Flinn, “
The Sound of Music
: The Music Festival Scene”
Mack Hagood, “The Tinnitus Trope: Acoustic Trauma in Narrative Film”
Keir Keightley, “The Pantophonographic Patsy”
Kate Lacey, “Listening In/To
Germany, Pale Mother
Jean Ma, “Listening to Early Chinese Sound Film:
Two Stars in the Milky Way
Mara Mills, “Listening to Images: Audio Description, the Translation Overlay, and Image Retrieval”
Robert Spadoni, “New Worlds and Dark Traditions: Back Winding and Forward Propulsion in
The Woman Who Came Back
Neil Verma, “The Huge Listening Contraption”
Shane Vogel, “Projection without Representation: Screening Maya Angelou in
Calypso Heat Wave
William Whittington, “A Conspiracy of Sound: Modes of Listening in Brian De Palma’s
Blow Out